Ocean Safety’s advice for safely cruising the Mediterranean this year.
It will soon be time to fly down to the Med for some summer sailing where you will find onboard safety regs are generally tighter than they are in the Caribbean.
Speaking as someone who ran a sailing school near Marseilles, then went on to skipper a yacht not far away, I can tell you that in July and August the heat can be debilitating. If heat is not your thing, you might be well advised to avoid these months altogether, or at least make sure you have a big sunhat that will not get blown away by the Meltemi, plenty of lightweight cover-ups and a gallon or two of sunblock.
Also, choose a boat with a Bimini. These might obscure your view of the sails, but they are literally lifesavers with a high sun tearing into you day after day. Mediterranean boats are often subject to local byelaws regarding safety equipment. These are generally sensible, and you can take up the slack on any shortfall yourself.
Lifejackets: Bear in mind that while lifejackets are often worn as a matter of course in home waters, this is not necessarily so in the Med. The regulation lifejackets supplied are usually the unwieldy foam-filled jackets of decades back. They will save your life but you may not enjoy wearing them. If you prefer, take your own, especially for children; standard onboard kit is adults only. If in doubt, call and check. Also talk to your airline about gas canisters on the jackets.
Harnesses: These are generally a requirement of the local regs. They certainly are in Greece, but they will not be the handy items that clip to a neat modern lifejacket. They are stand-alone units which are not, in fact, used very much.
Liferaft: Once again, the regulations require these in most countries. The Moorings run a four-hour guarantee of assistance for any onboard issues, including safety. They say that in an emergency close to land it can make more sense to use the dinghy which may well be being towed and which has a useful means of propulsion.
Flare pack: These are onboard.
VHF: All yachts have ‘bulkhead’ VHF, often with cockpit speakers, but many experienced charterers bring their own handheld unit.
First-aid kits: These are mandatory. As to what is in it, if this is a matter of concern, talk to the operator beforehand and top up as your needs require.
Torches, firefighting etc: These items will be well taken care of, but again enquire if you have particular kit in mind.
EPIRB: Some yachts will carry these while others do not, and so it is best to check with your holiday operator.
Whoever you are sailing with, you can expect a solid briefing before you leave. Safety records in the Med are generally pretty good. If in doubt, call ahead, then cast off and have a grand holiday. Just watch out for that sun…