Newark expansion

With the demand for berthing on the rise, Inland and Coastal Marina Systems has designed and manufactured a 33-berth extension to Newark Marina.

Situated on a non-tidal section of the River Trent, Newark Marina’s expansion has not been without its challenges. Extensive flooding, buried vehicles and the on going pandemic have caused disruption to the plans.

Managing director James Wilkinson told us: “Our new berths will give an important boost to the local economy, attracting, as it does, boaters from far and wide. We have already seen a strong take up in berths and would encourage anyone interested in keeping their boat with us to get in touch.”

Ironically, the onset of Covid-19 and the subsequent lockdown in March unlocked availability of important local earth moving plant that enabled the team to catch up on lost time, moving the project forward.

Working closely with James and his team, Inland and Coastal ensured the new standard leisure pontoon system, with terracotta Glass Reinforced Concrete decking, was available for delivery as soon the ground works were complete, ready for his team to install themselves, creating substantial savings for the marina.

To find out more about Inland and Coastal’s pontoon ranges and decking options visit or email


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