Poole Harbour Commissioners (PHC) have announced that as of Saturday 1 July, Captain Brian Murphy has taken on the responsibilities of new Chief Executive, taking over from Jim Stewart who left PHC after leading the organisation for 21 years.

Captain Brian Murphy joined Poole Harbour Commissioners in 2004, was appointed Harbour Master in 2008 and was given the extra responsibility of Marine & Port Director in 2018.

Captain Brian Murphy said: “it is an absolute honour to be given this opportunity to lead the organisation at a time of exciting opportunities. We will be progressing work on our Masterplan update, our ambitious vision for the next 20 years and I look forward to exploring all avenues for growth and sustainability of the organisation.”

As part of its Masterplan update, PHC’s Board of Commissioners has identified 5 strategic objectives for the organisation to focus on: Be the UK’s No.1 Marine Leisure Location, Maximise the Port Estate Potential, Become a Leading Green Port, Promote opportunities from our deepwater facility “South Quay”, and Optimise RoRo Ferry Potential.

The Masterplan vision was presented to a large audience of stakeholders at the annual Stakeholder Open Evening end of May 2023 and on 21 and 22 June 2023 PHC held a couple of consultation drop-in sessions for all stakeholders including members of the public to share their views.


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